How It Works

Ditch the pains of traditional fundraisers with Foffee's simplified process. In four easy steps you'll be on your way to your best ever campaign.
Step 1: Branded Coffee depicted by an icon of two coffee beans


We pair premium, fresh-roasted coffee and drinkware with your organization's brand.

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Step 2: Marketing Tools, depicted by an icon of a megaphone


You spread the word about your fundraiser's online store with our included sharing tools.

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Step 3: Shipping, depicted by an icon of a shipment box


At the conclusion of your fundraiser, we ship your branded coffee and drinkware directly to your campaign backers.

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Step 4: Earning, depicted by an icon of a hand offering money


Once the campaign is complete, we cut your organization a check for your share of the proceeds.

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Ready to get your fundraiser brewing?

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